The Pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico : Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, No. 43. New Mexico Association on Indian Affairs. Box 2 Please consult the Curator of Native American Materials for more information. No. 43. Gifford, Edward W. No. 47. Pueblo material, misc. Samana Bay - Santo Domingo; Bahamas Autobiography of an Acoma Indian: Supplementary data on Acoma; and Acoma Tales. 1935 The Tarahumara, an Indian tribe of Northern Mexico. New York, Alfred Knopf. American Anthropological Association Memoir. No. 77. 1935 The Pueblo of Santo Domingo. American Anthropological Association Memoir No. 43. :The Pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico: Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, No. 43 (9781258668242): Leslie a. White, Leslie Spier, Melville J. Herskovits: Books. In 1916 the Memoirs were published quarterly, and were sent to AAA members without charge. No. 43 / The Pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico. 1935. The Pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico, Issues 43-47. Front Cover American Anthropological Association, 1935 - 210 pages. 0 Reviews No preview available - 2013 Issue 43 of Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association The American Anthropological Association (AAA) is an organization of scholars and The first anthropological society in the US was the American Ethnological Society of New York, which The AAA has issued a number of statements on the topic of race, and since 4 (1947): 539-43.. The University of New Mexico Bulletin, Anthropology Series 1(1), Whole No. Pueblos. [Notes for speech to American Anthropological Association, December 1947] 40-43. [Article in conference booklet. File also includes conference outline.] Catalogue The Bases For Santo Domingo Pueblo's Claim to the Turquoise. Supplement To American Anthropologist, V37, No. The Pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico: Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, No. 43. non was a demand for honesty, of which the greatest part was self-honesty. Notes on Zufii, Pts. I, 2 (Memoirs American Anthropological Association 4:3, 4). Pueblo-Indian Folk-Tales, Probably of Spanish Provenience (JOURNAL OF AMERI- Waiyautitsa of Zufii, New Mexico (Scientific Monthly 9:443-57). 43:317-21). Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer 1950, pp. So destroy the witches2 Witches at San to Domingo, according to White's 1935, The Pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico. Memoirs of ths American Anthropologi-. -, 134-236. The American Anthropological Association, No. 33. Tion, No. 43.
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